The truth is rarely pure and never simple

pgfplots: spy non-functional

spy and pdflatex

Creating an image like this was my goal – but I didn’t take into account my “you-work-on-sunday-bad-luck”. To keep things simple: don’t try to use the spy module for documents you have to compile with latex. Use pdflatex instead. Otherwise you might get this

spy and latex

For the sake of completeness, here’s the code:



\definecolor{fu-blue}{RGB}{0, 51, 102} % blue text
\definecolor{fu-green}{RGB}{153, 204, 0} % green text	
\begin{tikzpicture}[spy using outlines={circle, magnification=2,connect spies}]
\begin{axis}[legend columns=2,legend style={anchor=north,at={(0.5,-.1)},draw=black!40},
xmin=0,xmax=180,ymin=0,ymax=1300,xlabel={angle [$^\circ$]},ylabel={Energy [keV]}, ylabel style={at={(1.2,0.5)}, anchor=north},xlabel style={at={(0.5,1.1)},anchor=south},grid=both,]
\addplot+[line legend,mark=none,draw=fu-blue,thick,domain=0:180,samples=1000] {1274*(1-(1/(1+1274/511*(1-cos(x)))))};
\addlegendentry{1274\,keV, $e^-$}
\addplot+[line legend,mark=none,draw=fu-green,thick,domain=0:180,samples=1000] {1274*((1/(1+1274/511*(1-cos(x)))))};
\addlegendentry{1274\,keV, $\gamma$}

\addplot+[forget plot,line legend,draw=fu-green,mark options={fill=fu-green!40},only marks,mark=*,error bars/.cd,x dir=both, x explicit,y dir=both, y explicit,error bar style={color=fu-green}]  coordinates { 
(60, 359) +- (5,23)
(60, 558) +- (5,27)
(90, 268) +- (5,22)
(90, 379) +- (5,23)
(120, 214) +- (5,22)
(120, 276) +- (5,22)
(120, 278) +- (5,22)
(120, 289) +- (5,22)

\addplot+[forget plot,line legend,draw=fu-blue,mark options={fill=fu-blue!40},only marks,mark=*,error bars/.cd,x dir=both, x explicit,y dir=both, y explicit,error bar style={color=fu-blue}]  coordinates { 
(60, 150) +- (5,20)
(60, 662) +- (5,18)
(90, 222) +- (5,15)
(90, 888) +- (5,22)
(120, 279) +- (5,12)
(120, 214) +- (5,12)
(120, 949) +- (5,24)
(120, 982) +- (5,23)
\addplot+[line legend,mark=none,draw=fu-blue,dashed,thick,domain=0:180,samples=1000] {511*(1-(1/(1+511/511*(1-cos(x)))))};
\addlegendentry{511\,keV, $e^-$\,\,\,}

\addplot+[line legend,mark=none,draw=fu-green,thick,dashed,domain=0:180,samples=1000] {511*((1/(1+511/511*(1-cos(x)))))};
\addlegendentry{511\,keV, $\gamma$\,\,\,}

\coordinate (spypoint) at (axis cs:120,250);
\coordinate (spyviewer) at (axis cs:150,750);
\spy[width=2cm,height=2cm] on (spypoint) in node [fill=white] at (spyviewer);
