On RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.5 (Santiago), for installing circos, you will need the following perl packages:
- Clone
- Config::General
- Font::TTF::Font
- GD
- GD::Polyline
- List::MoreUtils
- Math::Bezier
- Math::Round
- Math::VecStat
- Params::Validate
- Readonly
- Regexp::Common
- Set::IntSpan
- Statistics::Basic
- Text::Format
- Time::HiRes
Here is the copy’n’paste version which stops on errors:
for module in GD::Polyline List::MoreUtils Math::Round Math::Bezier Config::General Clone Font::TTF::Font GD Math::VecStat Readonly Params::Validate SVG Regexp::Common Statistics::Basic Set::IntSpan Text::Format Time::HiRes ; do cpanm $module || break; done