If you have the following symptom: You use Django and Phusion Passenger in at least version 4. A specific request is waiting forever. Restarting apache has no effect.
Sometimes, you want to present code output in a way that is more appealing to the eye than just unstructured output. In ipython, there are markdown cells available but you cannot execute any code there. So what if you want to show the markdown output generated by a code cell […]
This is an ongoing effort to collect error messages from CP2K which typically cannot be understood as long as one has a look into the source code. You have not found the error that is bugging you on this page? Try also part 1.
In spectroscopy and related fields, a notation for states is used that holds a lot of symmetry information to support employing selection rules. The only problem I have is that I use this to rarely to remember all the meanings. Moreover, this notation is exceptionally hard to resolve using search […]
If you collaborate with other people, you want to share information. In my field, computational physics/chemistry, the amount of data is so large that you cannot use sharing services or cloud mechanisms even if you wanted to. While all users in my group are using one NFS for the home […]
If you are using Apache Drill as frontend for access to a MongoDB instance, you may get this error after more than 24 hours of uptime.
When adding my email inbox from UCL to the K9 android email client, I got the problem that this does not work out of the box: K9 cannot connect to the Office 365 server. Unfortunately, I am forced to use Office 365 here. While I am not too convinced that […]
A few days ago, I came across a challenge put up by the British Library (here, German and here, English). They have a sword (not too far from UCL where I work) with an inscription that seems to be strange at the first glance.
A few weeks ago, I came across Tableau which can be useful in my field of research despite the fact that it is meant to be used for something completely different.
When parsing a CASTEP formatted grid with python, you may be tempted to use numpy.loadtxt – in particular, as it allows for fast access to the numerical data afterwards. However, you need to know the number of grid points in each dimension in order to work out the proper arguments […]
Calculating the hydrogen bond occupancy is a frequent task in the analysis of molecular dynamics simulations. Therefore, it has been implemented in packages like VMD hbonds or MDAnalysis.analysis.hbonds. However, these implementations do not fully treat periodic boundary conditions, as hydrogen bonds crossing the simulation box boundary are not incorporated into […]
When using the achemso LaTeX package for creating a document, pdflatex may give you the following errors: